PAWZ SuperServer
The PAWZ (Performance Analysis Web Zone) SuperServer allows unlimited scalability of the
Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning tool. The PAWZ SuperServer is a CMDB (Configuration Management Database) implementation that talks to and receives data from all the PAWZ Servers in the enterprise. Each of these PAWZ Servers monitor thousands of systems and all the high level data from them can be accessed through the PAWZ SuperServer. It also allows seamless redirection to the PAWZ Servers for detailed analysis.
PAWZ SuperServer performs the key functions of synchronizing settings across PAWZ Servers, pooling Performance and Capacity data from the remote nodes on each PAWZ Server to generate consolidated reports, providing an integrated platform to access high level Reports
and redirection to individual PAWZ Server websites.
The PAWZ SuperServer runs on a Windows 2003/2008 Enterprise/Standard Server. All synchronization and analysis data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008 database. The PAWZ SuperServer website can be accessed through a browser from anywhere within the enterprise network.
Features in PAWZ SuperServer
Settings for new Nodes, Risks and Capacity Planning can be done on any one PAWZ Server
The PAWZ SuperServer will synchronize them across all PAWZ Servers in the enterprise
View Risk, Trend and Daily Profile Reports from all nodes in one place
Ability to group nodes across PAWZ Servers for reporting purposes
Summarized Reports for last reported data from nodes with an option to drill down to historical performance
Product Trial
Download a full featured trial of:
PAWZ with PAWZCloud
Agent-less data collection: Uses VMware VI API
Enterprise, Datacenter, Cluster and Host views
Multi-level view of Guest and Service provisioning
Long term resource usage projections
Detect Over and Under provisioned guests
Guest provisioning problem identification, analysis and advice